Student in Library


St. Joseph – Ipogolo secondary school is committed to provide an education of excellence that meets each student’s abilities and needs within a common curricular framework and reflects and promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, diversity in our community as an integral part of school life. It challenges each student to develop intellectual independence, creativity and curiosity and a sense of responsibility towards others both within the school and in the community at large

SCHOOL VISION: Our school vision is to be the centre for Academic Excellence in the country

SCHOOL MISSION: Our mission is to provide quality secondary education that considers gender sensitivity and promoting science and technology. To this end we ensure every young person fulfills his/her full academic potential whilst also developing into happy, confident, compassionate and accomplished young adult. We are ambitious for every student and we support and encourage them to be ambitious for themselves.


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Subjects taught in ordinary level are Basic Mathematics, English Language, Kiswahili, Civics, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Literature in English and History . more over Information and Communication Studies (ISC), tailoring, carpentry, welding and electrical courses are encouraged. Since the teachers are there for each subject taught, a student is not allowed to opt any of the subjects. (For the sake of NECTA, a student can sit for a minimum of 9 subjects)